2011년 6월 5일 일요일

Brother and Sister tigers became a sun and moon.

 Once upon a time, there were two pure baby tigers and mom tiger who lived in cave. Mom tiger always said to sibling. Please do not answer except mom's voice when mom is coming back. Someday, Mom tiger did not come back to cave. Sibling was worried about mom tiger. They craved that mom tiger come back. Just at that moment, someone told something to them from outside of cave.

Hunter: Mom's back. Please answer.
Sister tiger tried to answer that sound but, brother tiger was conscious of that voice which was too soft and thin.
Brother tiger: Why would your voice so soft?
Hunter: I want myself to be a kindness mom tiger to you. May i come in?
Brother tiger: No! I want to see your hands.

However, the hands which came from darkness was too soft and tiny compared with mom tiger. The hunter told that

Hunter: the feed is too heavy to hold so, i could not show my hands to you. today's menu is human! That was why i showed soft and thin hands to you.

 Fortunately, brother tiger was so distrustful. He went out quietly and, finally he realized that someone was the hunter. Baby tigers ran away to top of tree. Meanwhile, the hunter was so thirsty. He went to the well which was located on the down of the tree. Unfortunately, the hunter saw baby tigers who was shining in the well. The hunter said.
Hunter: Ha ha ha, How could you climb to there?
Baby tigers: Using the oil, stupid!!

The hunter tried hard to climb the tree but, continuously slip down. He got angry and, was ready to pull the trigger. Baby tigers were so scary. They prayed to god.

Baby tigers: Please god. Give us strong rope, if you would want to save us. But, if you will not, give us decayed rope.

God droped the stong rope to baby tigers. The hunter saw this scene so, he also prayed to god. This time, god droped the decayed rope to the hunter. Finally, the decayed rope was cut and the hunter was dropping and dead. The baby tigers became a sun and moon. Sister baby tiger scared the night so, she became the sun and brother baby tiger became the moon.

p.s  I changed the main character. The original protangonists are human and, the villain is a tiger.

2011년 5월 15일 일요일

The Cheorwon North Korean labour party building

  In 1946, When Cheorwon-gun was in the North Korea region,
North Korean labour party built this buiding as a Russian edifice.
This was constructed three stories high and non-reinforced concrete building.
Now, there are dozen of seperated room in the first floor but,
Second and third floor are not existed due to collapsed in the past.
The shocking thing is lots of people who did anti-community,
had been massacred in this building from 15th august independence
to outbreaking Korean war. A massive human ashes, ammunitions,
strand wires were discovered in air-raid shelters where were in back of buiding.
There is an abundance of bullet and shell marks on the walls.
This building is representative of the reality of national division acutely.
Below the walls are overgrown with weeds but, there is
the beautiful park in front of main gate for sightseers.
Even economic growth of Korea is going well, nation and overseas visitors
should know about Korean sad history.
The Cheorwon North Korean labour party building is still telling us
what is our history and how would have overcome it.

2011년 4월 17일 일요일

One of the most groundbreaking invention of humankind.

The wheel is one of the most important thing
among inventions of humankind, also it is used
the part of every vehicles. The dynamical
principle of wheel is dwindled the wheel's
resistance by changing from sliding friction to
rolling friction when the wheel is moving. The
oldest wheel in the world was discovered at the
ruins of Mesopotamia and it might be made in B.C
3500. This wheel looked like a circular plate of
log and it used to be the trolley's wheel. Since
then, the appearance of the spokes wheel was
caused growth of the overland traffic. Moreover,
the Roman Empire and Greece used to the quadrigas which were installed metal tires. At the first time, the materials of wheels was made by lumbers but, as use of metal had grown up, people
employed metal part in the important components.
Continually, the discovery of rubber tire and
rubber wheel have developed rapidly with the
power engine.

2011년 3월 28일 월요일

Walter Maria de Silva

 Walter Maria de silva, one of the top three car
designer, along with Peter Schreyer and Christopher
Edward Bangle, was born in Italy on February 27, 1951.
He was born the son of a architect and received the art
education from childhood. His father craved Walter to be
a architect as him, but Walter said " Even though my
father ordered me to draw the structure, i drew the car
at the first time." And finally, he joined the Fiat car
company in 1972.

In 1986, he changed jobs within the Alfa romeo and
handled lots of projectes as car designer. Moreover, he
assumed the Fiat and Alfa romeo design as a management
in 1994. Furthermore, he has been holding the Volkswagen
chief designer since 2007. (For reference, 6 car
company, Audi, Scoda, Bentley, Seat, Lamborghini and
Bugatti are under the umbrella of the Volkswagen group.)

"Our duty is to creat the car which will be the Icon of
future." He mentioned this sentence when he was
appointed as chief designer. He is suggesting the
obvious method about a good car designer to me. I want
myself to be a good car designer who leads the Hyundai
car company.